Our Services

What to Expect

Initial consultation

Prior to starting sessions, I offer a brief initial consultation, to gain a overview of the area/s you would like to work on, and to check whether perinatal psychology feels a good fit. If it does, I will offer a date to begin sessions, share an intake form and a virtual clinic link. Wherever possible, I aim to accommodate day/time preferences, and begin without delay. If I am unable to do so, then I will be able to recommend a list of trusted colleagues. Similarly, if perinatal psychology does not feel like the best fit, I will be able to advise on other services that do. You can book an initial consultation directly, using the booking link at the bottom of this page.

Assessment and Formulation

Generally, the first session/s (typically ranging from one to three, depending on complexity) are focused on understanding your situation, sharing some initial guidance, and developing a plan for intervention (for more information, please see this leaflet: 'Understanding Formulation'). I will generally be looking to answer questions such as:

  • What are the difficulties?

  • How do we make sense of them, based psychological theory?

    • How did they come about?

    • What keeps them going?

    • What’s the best intervention?

At the end of these first few session/s, I will advise on the type of therapy, some strategies to be getting started with, and an estimated number of sessions I believe would be helpful. I aim for this to be an open discussion, and understand that families' availability and finances can be particularly constrained at this time.


The intervention forms the main section of therapy. It will be guided by the assessment and formulation, and so will be individually tailored to you, but this will tend to be quite a practical stage of therapy, where we are implementing new strategies; practicing in sessions and between sessions.

As a psychologist, I am trained across a range of approaches. Depending on the approach taken, sessions may be quite structured or more free-flowing, and may be short term; over a few weeks, or longer term. I strive to be transparent and involve families in the decision-making process. For more information, please see our FAQs - 'How do you choose which approach to use?'.

Ending and Follow-up

I will invite us to review our sessions regularly to ensure you feel you are getting the most out of therapy; you are not tied into any commitment you can end sessions at any time. At the end of therapy, I will guide us through summarising the work we have completed and a plan to continue this work into the future.

Service Details

  • Introductory Call (15 min)


    Initial telephone call to discuss the current difficulty and identify a plan for assessment and therapy, or onward signposting.

  • Individual Session - Assessment or Intervention (60 mins)

    £150 (online, via Zoom)

    Sessions are usually weekly in nature. Focus, attendees, and duration of sessions will be discussed in the initial consultation, and reviewed as sessions progress. Please see the FAQs page for more information.

  • 'We Thrive' Group Course (90mins x 8 weeks)


    8-week early years psycho-education course, focussing on infant/early childhood social/emotional development, developing sensitivity to cues, and developing self-compassion and coping skills in parenting. Maximum group size of 8 families.

“I can’t put into words how much you have helped us. For the first time, I have started to feel like a good mum.”